Plan and Stay Safe – SES

Click on the link above to go to the SES website which has a lot of information about preparing for storm and flooding events on this page

Preparing for storms

  • Check fences, roofs and gutters; make any repairs that are needed.
  • Trim branches near your home and near powerlines.
  • Clean gutters and downpipes regularly; secure loose roof tiles/sheets.
  • Tie down light, outside furniture equipment and like trampolines and barbecues 
  • Ensure your home, contents and car insurance is current and covers your assets adequately.
  • Identify which room is the strongest part of the house in case you need to shelter in your home during a severe thunderstorm.
  • Install the Bureau of Meteorology weather app on your phone and bookmark the BOM warnings page and radar on computers so you can track storms in your area.

Make a storm plan for your livestock

Planning ahead is the best way to keep livestock safe during storms.
  • Do a risk assessment of your property — Identify areas of your property least likely to flood.
  • Identify hazards — Think about potential hazards (e.g. powerlines, trees).
  • Do your research — What direction do most storm fronts come from in your area? Where can animals shelter from storms?
  • Stay up to date with weather forecasts — Move stock early if storms or severe weather are likely.
  • Know where your livestock can shelter — Can they stay in their usual paddock? Are there parts of your property where flooding is less likely?
  • Ask for help — Write a list of people and organisations who can help you with your animals if there’s a warning issued.
  • Tell someone your plan — Tell your family, friends and neighbours about your plan.

What to do during and after a storm or severe weather

The above link is to a comprehensive guide of what to do if you are threatened by a storm and if your property has been damaged by a severe storm. It can be printed out and kept somewhere safe.