The Strathbogie Tableland has a very high risk of bush and grass fire and is subjected to storms and heatwaves. The STAG Emergency and Communications subcommittees have compiled the following information and links to websites which will assist Tablelanders to prepare for and recover from such climatic events.

Always ring 000 if there is a life threatening situation

When a major fire is threatening the Tablelands, NO road here can be considered safe and all roads on and off the Tablelands may be closed quite early during a fire and remain closed for days after.
Clicking on the following links will open up the document:

Strathbogie Tableland map of exit routes

Strathbogie Township Bushfire Place of Last resort

How to set up the Vic Emergency App on your device

Clicking on the following links will take you to the relevant page

Preparation for Emergency Events

Fire Information 




LEAP (Local Emergency Action Plan)– not yet active