The following are links which when clicked on, will take you to sites with invaluable information to help you prepare for emergency events, including how to prepare a fire plan (which everyone here should have).

The Emergency Committee has put together a folder of information to assist Tablelanders to prepare for emergencies. It includes detailed contact lists of emergency agencies, CFA information on preparation for fire (CFA envelopes containing pamphlets are also available at the General Store), storms & floods, and emergency First Aid, etc. Copies of folders are available at the General Store, the Strathbogie, Kelvin View and Boho South Halls, the Golf Club and the Rec Ground.

If you would like copies of any of the information, please do not remove it from the folder – contact Kath Handasyde on

Preparation for bush and grass fires:

CFA document: Bushfire Survival Planning Template 

The above link opens the CFA document that lists the preparations you will need to be fire ready including preparing your property when leaving early.

Your Guide to Property Preparation – CFA

The above link opens the CFA document which clearly shows how to prepare your property to be more resilient against bush and grass fires.

How to Prepare Your Property | CFA

The above link opens a CFA webpage which gives great detail on how best to prepare your property prior to the bushfire season.

Online Fire Planner

The above link will open the Victorian online Fire Planner which will guide you through the steps to make a personal fire plan.
The document My personal Bushfire To Do List   Is on this site and can be printed out and saved in a readily accessible and visible place in your house.

Bushfire Resilience webinar series

The above link is to the wonderful Bushfire Resilience web page which has many informative videos and other resources on how to prepare for and survive bushfires

Preparation for other emergency situations:

Red Cross Disaster Preparation Guide

The above link opens a document that is compiled by the Red Cross that has been designed to provide an easy-to-follow set of actions to help you plan for emergencies, grouped into four simple steps.

Plan and Stay Safe – SES

This link opens the SES Victoria webpage which provides details on how to plan and prepare for emergencies including flood, storms, landslides, earthquake and road safety.

Strathbogie Shire Council Emergency Preparedness information

The above link opens the Strathbogie Shire Council Emergency Management webpage which provides information on preparing your property for emergency events