Returning to your home

  • Don’t return to the disaster affected area until the all-clear has been given by emergency services.
  • Before returning home, stock up on essentials like fuel, food and water.
  • Withdraw cash where possible, as ATM’s in the affected area could be down.
  • If you believe your house is affected, make sure you have appropriate clothing including boots and a hard-wearing shirt and pants.
  • Don’t enter your home, even if it looks unscathed, until officials say you can.
  • Be aware of hazards like hotspots and embers, snakes and spiders, fallen power lines, sagging ceilings and electrical faults, depending on the nature of the disaster.
  • During a flood, sewerage overflow is expected, so assume anything touched by wastewater is contaminated. Wear protective equipment, do not expose broken skin or cuts to dirty water, mud or silt, and wash your hands regularly.
  • Check that power, internet, water, gas and sewerage systems are functioning. You may need official safety checks (from council, power providers, utility companies, etc)
  • Do not switch anything back on if there is any sign of structural damage.
  • Check in on your neighbours, and once phone lines are restores let your loved ones know that you are OK and contactable.

Handling insurance 

  • The Insurance Hotline can help if you can’t find your insurance details, on 1800 734 621.
  • If your home is affected, take photos of any damage to your property, vehicles, livestock, equipment, and any damaged infrastructure like power poles in your area. 
  • Do not start repairing or moving things unless you must for safety purposes.
  • If you can safely stop further damage from occurring, do so but take photos before and after for your insurer.
  • Only use licensed or registered tradespeople.
  • Write down details of injuries, illness, or any medical assistance you received.
  • Takes note of periods that you were unable to work, as you may be able to claim insurance for loss of income.
  • Obtain three written quotes where possible for insurance purposes.

Strathbogie Shire Council Relief and Recovery

The above link is to the Strathbogie Shire Council recovery webpage which details local Shire information and services for recovery after emergency events.

Recovery-After-Fire-Guide.pdf (

The above link is to a comprehensive recovery guide for rural producers, affected by fire.

List of Useful Services for Recovery

The above link is to a PDF of links to many organisations who assist in recovery. This can be printed out and kept somewhere safe.

Phone numbers of services that assist with Recovery

The above link is to a list of phone numbers of services that assist with Recovery. This can be printed out and kept somewhere safe.
