The Strathbogie Tableland has a very high risk of bush and grass fire

The following headings are links to valuable information which is applicable to us on the Tableland:


The above document is our Bushfire Emergency Resource Booklet which is focused on information (and external resources) useful for local residents. It might be useful to print this document and keep it a handy place, in your house.

Bushfire Check List

The above document produced by STAG a few years ago, is called My Personal Fire Plan. This document is a check list which can be used when preparing for a fire, what to do in the event of a fire and lists relevant emergency contact details, but it should NOT REPLACE your own personal fire plan.  The CFA document “Your Guide to Survival” is usually available in hard copy at the general store and at any CFA Information Session held in the Strathbogie Memorial Hall prior to each fire season.

Given its rating as “an EXTREME risk” in the event of bushfire, it is essential that all residents (whether permanent or part-time) have a written fire plan regardless of whether they plan to leave or stay and defend.

Online Fire Planner

The above link will take you to the Victorian online Fire Planner which will guide you through the steps to make a personal fire plan.

The document My personal Bushfire To Do List  Is on this site and can be printed out and saved in a readily accessible and visible place in your house.

Further information relating to emergencies and, in particular bushfires, may be found on the websites for the CFA, SES and Shire of Strathbogie (See below)

Bushfire Place of Last Resort

Should you be caught on the Tableland during a bushfire and your fire plan has failed, the Strathbogie Golf Club in Armstrong Ave, Strathbogie, has been designated as the only Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort on the Tableland. But be aware that fallen trees may block your access and there may not be a CFA or other official person there.

The ONLY Bushfire Place of Last Resort on the Tableland is at:

  • Strathbogie Golf Club house                            17 Armstrong Avenue Strathbogie

Map of the main Tableland exit routes and location of Strathbogie Township Bushfire Place of Last Resort

Often we take the same road to drive to the Tableland. In times of fire or flood, your known route may be blocked. Print out the above map to show you the main roads giving access to and from the Tableland.

NOTE:  No exit route can be guaranteed to be open in an emergency.

Helping You to recover after an Event

The above document from the ABC Emergency pages, provides helpful information on what to do after an emergency event.

Defibrillators in the Strathbogie Township are located at:

  •  Strathbogie Memorial Hall

  • Strathbogie Golf Club

  • The Strathbogie Recreation Ground pavilion and

  • CFA have one in their truck and in the Strathbogie CFA shed

All of the below headings (in White) are links to valuable information:

 SES: What to do in an emergency

Strathbogie Shire Emergency Preparedness Information

CFA website

SES website


Vic Emergency

Red Cross Disaster Preparation Guide

The above link takes you to a document that is compiled by the Red Cross that has been designed to provide an easy-to-follow set of actions to help you plan for emergencies, grouped into four simple steps.

CFA document: Bushfire Survival Planning Template 

The above link takes you to the CFA document that lists the preparations you will need to be fire ready including preparing your property when leaving early.

The above link is to the wonderful Bushfire Resilience web page which has many informative videos and other resources on how to prepare for and survive bushfires.